Who we are, What we do.
I felt obligated to open my firm when the financial climate in our country was entirely unstable and unpredictable. I connected with the fears, concerns and catastrophes people and businesses were experiencing, and I aimed to create a law firm that could be most effective and successful to help people maximize their financial capabilities and restore stability –and even bring growth- to both their personal lives and businesses. My vision became a reality.
We help our clients create a solid foundation, whether they are creating a new business or facing financial turmoil and needing a fresh start.
Legal Services
Our expertise and experience includes the following strategies:
- Filing for bankruptcy relief.
- Pursuing accounts receivables as a creditor in a bankruptcy case, and/or in state court.
- Helping borrowers save their homes by halting foreclosure sales, modifying loans to bear the lowest possible interest rates of two percent and three percent, and obtaining home loan deferments/forgiveness.
- Stripping junior home mortgages that were under water.
- Settling debt for pennies on the dollar.
- Collecting on secured and unsecured debt owed to businesses and individuals.
- Prosecuting and defending claims in bankruptcy court and state court, including fraud and fraudulent transfers; preferences; collections, breach of contract; nondischargeability of debt and denial of debtor’s discharge.
- Creating the necessary, founding documents to establish and crow a creative business, including licensing agreements, partnership agreements, business/partner resolutions negotiations and agreements.
- Protecting creative interests such as trademark, trade name and copyright.
- Advising clients in unique business matters such as product development, client relations, negotiations, and commercial leasing.
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